
We are committed to the safety of our students. Please speak to the office staff regarding any allergy concerns.

School allergy information

Duffin’s Bay Public School is a safe and healthy environment. Our school has implemented guidelines and policies that we ask all parents, students, and staff to review carefully. 

Some school community members are highly sensitive and cannot be in direct contact with the foods listed below.  This includes being in the same lunch or classroom.  To help ensure every child is safe, please do not send the following items for snack/lunch:

  • Peanuts
  • Nuts
  • Treenuts
  • Cashews
  • Sesame seeds
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Wow Butter

Packing Lunches and Snacks that are Allergy Safe

 As we are thinking about lunch options for our children, the safety of all of our students remains important.   We are a nut and dairy aware school so it is important to keep this in mind when packing lunches and snacks.

 Here are a few links that will assist you with ideas for lunches:

At Duffin's Bay PS, we do have a healthy snack program.  We will providing items this year that are safe for all of our students.

Below is a list of snack ideas for you.  Please note that these are not endorsements or advertisements.  You should still read the labels carefully to ensure that the manufacturers have not changed their ingredients.  Reading the label is always a best practice.

a)     “Made Good” granola bars or bites

b)    Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars

c)   School Safe cakes/cookies - Brownie/Banana Chocolate chip/Chocolate Chip

d)  Arrowroot cookies

e)   Lentil Chips

f)    Skinny Pop Popcorn or salted popcorn

g)   Fruit Cups 

h)   Apple/Fruit Sauce - Fruitsations

i)   Raisins/Cranberries/Fruit Leather

j)   Vegetables/Fruits

k)  Multi-Grain Cheerios

l)   Caramel Corn flavored Quaker Rice Cakes

m)  ShaSha Co. - Cocoa Snaps/Ginger Snaps

We discourage any food coming in to the school for celebrations unless it is marked nut and dairy safe.  We also ask that you reinforce to your child to not share his/her snacks or lunch with others.  We look forward to a great school year.

Scent Aware

Please be scent-aware.  Some members of our school community have extreme sensitivities to certain smells and scents. Please refrain from wearing excessive cologne or perfume/body sprays/lotions when entering our school.